Find quick answers to your questions below...
Can I get free shipping?
You can get free shipping only on products marked as such. Once you add another item to your shopping cart that is not free shipping you will not be able to get free shipping on your free shipping items anymore. You will have to place 2 orders in order to get free shipping on the items with free shipping.
How much is my shipping?
Shipping is automatically calculated prior to submitting your payment information. Simply add items to your cart and proceed to the Checkout page where you will be offered Shipping Method choices and their prices.
I received the wrong product.
If you feel that you have received the wrong product, please contact customer service within 72 hours of receiving the product.
When will my order ship?
Please see each individual item page for more information on the availability of each item. Also, after placing your order, you may click the "My Account / Order Status" link at the top right hand side of our site to track the status of your order. You will receive a shipment confirmation when your order has shipped and tracking information within 24-48 hours of shipment.If a quicker shipping option is chosen; you will be shipped everything that is currently in stock. However, the balance will be shipped ground.
Additional Shipping Information:
- We are not responsible for packages left outside from the freight carriers that may be lost or damaged. Please contact the appropriate carrier directly to openup a claim.
- Orders shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, PR, VI, and APO addresses will incur additional shipping charges.
- We are restricted from sending batteries to Alaska and Hawaii.